Sophia Grace, Happy due date ❤


Our due date was June 21, 2020. We had our induction scheduled for June 17 due to Cholestasis. I was 39 + 3. Went in, got cervidil started by 9 am. By 9 pm still only at 2 cm, with mild irregular contractions, dr removed the cervidil. Sat in the warm tub lots to help the pain. This started not to help so I asked for pain meds. By 10pm, went to sleep, while still at the hospital as they continued to monitor me. I woke up to pee at 1220. I started to feel extremely upset because I felt taking the pain meds (morphine and gravol) had stopped by progress, and stalled by labour. But, I got settled back into bed, 25 mins later felt a huge pop and my water broke on my way into the bathroom. After that my labour progressed quickly- I began having worsening contractions that were coming very close together. I tried morphine and gravol again.. That didn't even touch the pain. I cried for an epidural, and finally got one around 2 am. My contractions were so powerful they made it nearly impossible for me to stay still during the procedure. After that I could still feel the contractions but only in my back as pressure. I rested a bit, woke up around 515 am, they got me prepped and ready and I began pushing. I'm not sure what happened but they may have turned my epidural down because I swear I felt everything. After almost 2 hours of pushing they helped me deliver her with the vacuum, as they said she was stuck. I was running out of powerful pushes at this point too. I cried and screamed- never thought I'd be that person during labour but 🙈 Sophia was born at 706 am on June 18. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches long. Thankfully she is doing well! And I had a 1st degree tear to my vagina so the stitches aren't super fun post partum. But she is worth every single second of it ❤ Welcome to the world sweetie. Mommy and Daddy love you so much 🥰🥰