To begin my baby's birth story i have to describe the BH i had been experiencing for the entire...

To begin my baby's birth story i have to describe the BH i had been experiencing for the entire last trimester. Everyday was uncomfortable, bending over, showering, getting dressed, sitting down, basically anything i did could make me cramp, except sleep. I was able to sleep through them every night, thank goodness. 3 mornings ago i woke up with cramps every 6 min for an hour gradually decreasing to 3 min. I felt heaviness in my rectal area. I wasnt sure if this was the real thing or something i ate the day before. I thought maybe its just gas or daily BM. When the cramps didnt quit an hour after drinking water and peeing i decided to wake up my husband and tell him we needed to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 7am. Sure enough i had began to dilate. I was at 2cm for weeks. When the nurse checked me i was at 5cm 70% effaced and -2 station. I went on with contractions for another 2 hours, which felt like it had flown by. My midwife broke my water to help things progress which def did the trick. I declined epidural and took only pain medicine through my IV. Before i knew what was happening my baby's head was crowning. I felt the need to push 3 times. The delivery bed wasnt even set up when her head was i out which was push number 2. Push number 3 was the hardest since it was her body. Then she was out. Contractions were hard for a period of maybe 30 min and only 3 pushes to get her out. I think it went well😁. She was 6lbs 7oz. 18.5 inches long and perfect.