39 weeks


I’m 39 weeks and 3 days and absolutely miserable! I’m in pain and uncomfortable and this baby keeps teasing me! She’s low & engaged I’m 2 cms and 60% effaced since Friday. Friday morning I was experiencing some bleeding / spotting but dr told me it was normal as long as it wasn’t a lot (like a period) and as long as baby is moving fine.

I’ve done squats, eaten pineapple, had sex, used my breast pump and nothing is happening! I am having stronger Braxton Hicks but they aren’t consistent and I can talk and walk through them.

My first baby I used castor oil and I went into labor 2 hours after I took it (I won’t be doing this again) I am very impatient & just looking for tried and true ways of inducing labor naturally.

I do not want to go past my due date & I do not want to be induced! I just want my little girl here!

Please give me ideas that have worked for you :)
