I need to vent about my husband I’m so upset

My husband helped so much the first month. The last three months I’ve realized I have to ask every time he takes her. So. I’m a stay at home mom and he works full time. Which I appreciate so much. Anytime I need to go to the bathroom

, clean the gouse or random things like that I will ask him to take her for like 20 minutes. He always asks why what are y doing. And it annots me because idk why it matters. I love taking care of our baby it’s not me complaining about that at all. I wake up with her all night and I don’t even ask him too even if it’s weekends. And I’m fine with that too because he’s a heavy sleeper and I’m not. But I’m starting to realize that if it’s the morning around like 9 when she wakes up for the day I’ll feed her , change her and stuff then I’ll try to wake him up at around 930-10 and he’s always grumpy at me. When I’m like babe I need your help or babe can u please help me he gets annoyed at me because I will ask hella times and he won’t get up. I’m like wow must be nice to sleep in , not wake up once at bight and then get begged to take care of our child and it annoys you and I have to ask multiple times before he’s just like yeah give her to me ! In an annoyed tone and just lays her next to him when she just woke up she doesn’t want to keep laying down she’s almost 5 months old.

He only does that so he can keep laying there. Or sometimes he won’t take her at all it will turn into an argument because I get bitchy bc I have to ask so many times that he turns it on me for being bitchy now and goes in the bathroom , poops for like 20 minutes then showers for like 40. Then gets out and has all these things he wants to do. Don’t get me wrong some days he is super helpful and will take her the first time I ask but it has to be during the day not in the morning, he buys us everything we need , he loves her and always makes her laugh . I am snapping today because he stayed up until 6 am playing video games , meanwhile I was up with our baby every 30 minutes last night because she’s not sleeping as good now. We wake up at 9 and I realize he’s not going to wake up until late. So I take her to the bathroom with me, me and her take a shower together , we go lay back down and I feed her and she takes a nap next to me. Wakes up , we go outside , then play with her toys , I go in the room and ask if he will feed her while I make something to eat for myself because breastfeeding will make me feel like I’m gonna pass out if I don’t eat. And he opens his eyes and closes them so I just go out and feed her , come back and tell him I really need to eat here and he grabs her and lays her down again next to him, I leave start making food and can hear her crying for about 8-10 minutes so I go back in the room and hes just laying there with eyes closed. That’s when I got pissed and was like wow thanks a lot and took her with me to make food , then ate while she played some more and then he has the nerve to say I’m being bitchy to him because I said he’s acting really shitty. Now it’s somehow turned on me. He’s like she’s allowed to cry. Ok but for 10 minutes while u do nothing to help her ? I’m sorry this is so long thank u so much if you read all of this. Tell me your opinions please