

We have been TTC 2 years this month. August 2019 I started Clomid, took it through January 2020 when I started having severe lower abdominal pains so bad I couldn't even stand up straight! Went to my Doctor and we found an almost 5cm cyst on my left ovary and over an 8cm cyst in my right ovary. Fast forward to June 2020, thankfully my cysts went away on their own and no surgery was needed nor did I lose my ovaries like we feared. I started Letrozle early this month... I went on the 12th for my follicle ultrasound and left bawling as I did not have any mature follicles so no trigger shot this month. After my doctor called (he was in surgery) he gave me hope as he said they were just under the size he wanted to see.... my heart wasn't as crushed and as he said "this month could be the month" so of course we did everything we were supposed to and I had my progesterone levels checked yesterday just to get a call today saying that they aren't high enough to be ovulating! I don't understand! It seems that has been my problem all along. Is there anything I can do to increase my progesterone??? I mean I'll stand on my head at this point if it will help! If anyone has any advice please share! I am so broken hearted! My Husband is getting upset with the whole thing saying the doctor should do more. I really like my doctor, but I am kinda wondering the same thing. Thank you all in advance!