I need help making a decision. Please help I keep going back and fourth!

So my boyfriend and I have been together for two years and we live together. At the beginning of our relationship I found out he had been cheating on me for months. I decided to stay and we’ve worked on things and they’re pretty good now. But lately I just feel like I want something new and someone else, something innocent that doesn’t come with the terrible history of cheating and deceit. But then I go back on it and think that sometimes we do have good times. He’s just extremely boring now. Like he never wants to do anything at all unless its his friends ideas and we never have sex which is super annoying. We’ve had sex two times this year. I just feel bad breaking up and moving out for some reason. Has anyone else gone through this? Also, he’s not very considerate of my feelings but when we have big fights over this he will do like one or two gestures. Idk I’m confused and want something fresh. I almost feel like I’m at a stand still and am with him out of comfortability. I just want to move forward and get married and have children and just grow as a person and be with someone that I have a lot of passion for and that has passion for me. I’ve never been with someone I feel like actually treasures me.