I’m so tired of being broken

So my boyfriend and I (20 and 21) tried sex a couple weeks ago, and couldn’t do it because the pain was overbearing for me. Ended up seeing more blood then there should be, although we were using condoms, and foreplay. Fast forward to just now, I WIPED after peeing, accidentally pressed too hard on that part of me, and I felt a sharp pain and started bleeding a little bit again. I took a mirror to see what the hell was going on, and everything looks normal and fine. My confidence is ruined, and it’s making me feel like my body is broken. I need to see a doctor, but I’m terrified theyre going to try and examine me, and it’s going to fucking hurt like it does when I’ve tried penetration.

Weird thing is, I’ve had a tampon inside of me ONCE when I was 13, was my moms plus size because I just HAD to go swimming (curse me), and it hurt like a bitch coming out. My mom had to take it out because the pain was overwhelming for me, and I screamed in pain when she did. Shaking and crying and all she said was “oh stop, you’re over exaggerating the pain” and walked out of the bathroom. I can’t remember if it hurt going in (she did that too).

What the fuck is wrong with me. Even my best friend is starting to believe something is wrong because she’s tried explaining that I need to take it slow and use lube, but I’ve tried over 6 times and just can’t. She finally started listening to me after I explained it in detail.