29 weeker


After being rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital with a helicopter pad, I was then life flighted to the city hospital. This was April 18th, 2020.

It was exactly 9am, I went to the bathroom to pee and it literally just felt like my period. Blood just gushed. I immediately went to my home hospital, they tried to see where the bleeding was coming from. There was so much, the ER doctor had to use so much gauze to soak up the blood to see where it was coming from. (To make matters worse, my bf/babies father's cousin works in the ER and was there). It was so stressful as she was just as nervous has I was, as it's both mine and my boyfriends first baby.

After getting to the hospital an hour away by ambulance and do to covid, I had to go alone. I got one steroid shot to help develop my son's lungs. I then got magnesium (I think) to help his brain develope. I was at that hospital for about 2 hours, then the life flight showed up.

By life flight it only took 45 minutes to get to the city hospital, if I drove from home it would have been 5 hours roughly.

I got another steroid shot for his lungs, then a catheter. I wasn't able to eat, just so we could be ready anytime to take him out.

I was hooked up to monitors, his heart rate kept taking dips, so at 11:45pm on April 19th, they said after the csection they just preform, I will be next.

Now, let me backtrack for a second. I was life flighted also by myself. My sister and her wife drove the 5 hours to get my boyfriend to me and while they were on the highway, a crazy man impersonates a police officer killing 20 some people. MY FAMILY WERE DRIVING THROUGH THE MASSACRE, WHILE HE WAS KILLING PEOPLE.

I'm so thankful they are okay, and so deeply saddened for the families of the victims as they couldn't even have a proper funeral because of covid.

Fast forward, it's now 1:12am on April 20th, and my son was born.

He was born weighing 1lbs 12oz, and 14 inches long.

I had him early due to IUGR and his heart rate dips.

Today, he is 2 months and 5 days old, we spent 51 days in the nicu and he is now 4lbs 9oz and we are home, together as a family.