I want to come out to my sister

I’ve always trusted my older sister and told her everything. Im scared to come out to her though. She thought she was bi until she realized it was mommy issues and that she doesn’t like women. Which is fine, she figured out her identity, no one got hurt, and her first and only ex gf is now her best friend. But ever since she realized she was straight, she’s been super skeptical about inexperienced gays. I’m pan and the only relationship I’ve ever been in is with my current bf. I told her once when we were drunk months ago that I was questioning and she just invalidated me...

I came out on instagram for pride because mostly it’s my old friends who are either gay or accepting. But my sister saw the post and later ranted about how “gay is trending. You don’t come out for clout. If you were really gay you wouldn’t have to post about it. I’ve seen so many people say they’re bi or pan but they’ve only been in hetero relationships. It’s so disgusting.” She was trying to act like she wasn’t calling me out but it was so obvious... I feel like shit and all my other family is SUPER homophobic. I want to rant about hot girls and guys and nb’s but I have no current friends who I’m out to except my bf and I’m not going to tell him about the cute girl I found on TikTok or my thirst over this nb webcomic character I found. Or that I figured out my sexuality whilst dating him....