Back on the bandwagon


Don’t mind me as I may use this group as a “journal” in a sense to help talk about my journey. Please feel free to comment tips, tricks, and motivation!

I was doing a great job on losing weight this year. After losing a total of 15 pounds I woke up one day extremely nauseated and dizzy. Come to find out I was pregnant! So then I had morning sickness and the only food that was tolerable was carbs. So I loaded up on carbs for weeks. Then, unfortunately I had a miscarriage. The week I was miscarrying I ate take-out every day!!!!

Now that the process is over I need to get back to losing weight. I gained the weight back AND MORE!!! I am now 185lbs.

I am going to try to lose weight by being more active, counting calories, and removing all processed foods and sugary additives.

I hope this journey goes well and I can reach my goal weight of 140!!