Should I have to buy her a new bed?

My mom hasn’t had a job in like 6 years. She’s homeless, jobless, and living off of me and her parents at the moment. She lived with me completely free for a little over a year. She has her big bed and lots of her stuff in one of my spare rooms and my childhood cat with all the kitty stuff in my second spare room. She now lives with her parents, but all of her stuff is still in my rooms with no place for me to move it to until she’s healed from her knee replacement surgery.

I am in a polyamorous relationship. I am married to my husband, but I also have a boyfriend. My boyfriend has recently moved in with us. I can’t give him a bed in my spare room with the cat because she’s very old and pees on everything. She would pee on his bed and all over his things. That’s also why I can’t put her in my mother’s room. So I’ve had my boyfriend in my moms room. He’s been sleeping on her bed (I have a cover on it and sheets and we do NOT have sex on it) because that’s the place I have for him to sleep. I don’t have a couch or anything and my living room is too small for an air mattress.

My mom lost her shit on me yesterday saying I have to buy her a new bed now and it has to be as good as that one (she says it was $800). I’m honestly just sad, hurt, and upset, that she thinks I have to do something like that when she lived with me for free for over a year and didn’t do anything besides sleep pretty much the entire time and she’s still occupying 2 rooms of my house.

Do you think I should have to buy her a bed?

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