What would YOU do?

Ive been going through this petty bs for a couple years now. I'm honestly really tired of it.

Anywho, I live in my S/O and his family. His aunt stays in the back bedroom, maybe 20 feet away from the bathroom, not even. When I wake up, i take my first and only poop of the day. Other than myself, i live with 8 people. And every time I shut my door of morning and walk to OUR bathroom, here comes his aunt. She bangs on the door, clearly seeing its latched. I let her know I'm trying to hurry.

She mumbles "oh my god" and stomps away. IT NEVER ENDS THERE.

3 or 4 more times, pissing me off. She cusses and bangs some more. Ive already had my s/o mom, ask her to lay off. She kind of did for a while, and by "kind of" i mean, when she banged on the door, I let her in with me. I let her "pee" (she never did-its her spite deal)

Its hard on me cause I have IBS. When i feel like im being rushed or listened to, I hold it and it constipates me- and that takes forever to undo.

For the last 2 months shes knocked and stomped away, cussing again. Or standing at the door knocking persistently. Seriously, obnoxiously. Does ANYONE have any advice ?