Weight refuse to go

I'm soo drained I can't even set myself straight I had my baby girl early this year in January Im a student and a week later class recommenced and everyday I had to wake up at 4 am cause the baby would wake up for a feed then back to sleet around 15min, ill get up for college at 6am and be back home at 6pm when I had my baby I was weight 245lbs that the biggest I've ever been in my entire life, I was 175 when we found out I was pregnant... Ever since I was slowly losing the weight then quarantine hit my diet wasn't as clean but then decided to start looking after myself again that was in mid May I have been stuck on 223 since no matter what I did I would eat 1 meat and workout sweat hit 220 but never 219 never I starved myself, even bough a treadmill I would run ontill I get 400 calorie go on the scale 223 I can't stop crying all that effort I've been trying to stay positive been its been months idk why it's so freaking hard to loose this weight I tried small meals, fasting, apple cider, running u name it I can't stand looking at my body I feel gross, no clothes is fitting me none I'm stuck on pyjamas every day