I don’t feel pretty enough for my husband.

Does anyone else ever get into a mood?

I’m overweight, and suffer from self esteem issues. Fuck. I thought this shit would go away by 27.

My husband is hot. I am so damn attracted to him. But I question how he feels about me all the time.

I constantly don’t feel worthy enough to be with him. He is everything I’m not, and to make matters worse I don’t even feel like I look good enough for him.

Why would he want to be someone who is clearly not as attractive as him? Dude has had a major glow up over the years, while I’ve had a reversed glow up. 😔😣😢🤬

Someone please tell me it gets easier. I see a therapist for anxiety, but i think I’m going to continue to bring this issue up.

It’s all the time I feel like this.

I just want to feel pretty and hot and sexy for him.

I want to be someone he is proud of.

Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? Women are so hard on theirselves. I’m guilty.