Mama D • JDH 💙🌈 GAH #boymama

I don’t know what’s going on but I’m so over it. Our little guy is 8 months and a few weeks. He’s sleeping so horribly. Naps are a struggle... either going down or staying asleep. Now at night he’s waking up at 11 and won’t let me put him back down unless I bring him into our room with us. Last night I laid him back down and left the room tried to give it 10 mins but then he started screaming!!! But now he woke up at 5am!!!!! I absolutely can not do this anymore. I’m having such shitty sleep. I’m exhausted. Am I doing something wrong?

Our routine:

Wake 7am

Play & eat 730-930(10ish)

Nap 930(10ish) - would love an hour but sometimes only 30 mins.

Play & eat 1030-2

Nap - 2

Play - 3-7

Bath - 7 pm

Bed - 730pm

Does not sleep through the night. Sometimes he has but typically would only wake once now waking at 11:30 and has to be near me if I do get him back down in his bed he wakes again at 3am. EBF, so I know this can be wake times out of habit and not hunger. I’m not really a “cry it out” person but hahaha I’m getting close and if someone tells me this is the best thing they’ve ever done I may have to 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

When he goes to bed is finally my “me” time so the fact I may have to skip this to get some actual sleep is making me so sad.

Please help!!