He nearly crashed the car

I’m 21 weeks pregnant and we were driving, well he was, I was the passenger and he took a wrong turn and ended up swerving about 4-5 times to avoid crashing into anything on a corner but the car was all over the road and I didn’t expect it so obviously I was being thrown side to side with every swerve and my belt digging into my tummy. I have a small friction burn on my neck from where the belt rubbed against as it slid up, the car really was like zig zag badly. He controlled it and stopped the car thankfully and before I could even say a word and I mean I didn’t actually get to speak he said “Oh fuck sake there’s people in a car behind us I hope they’re ok” even though our car was no where near them and he hadn’t even as much as glanced at me or asked if I was fine, he got out and went to the car whilst I just sat there like ... come back a few minutes later said they were fine and kept driving to our destination, I still hadn’t said anything, the whole way there he kept going on about how much he hoped the people in the other car were ok and didn’t get a fright but still had not asked if I was fine so I piped up “maybe you should be more concerned about your pregnant girlfriend in the front seat of your car you haven’t even asked if I’m ok but you’ve run to the service of others” and he just looked at me, didn’t say anything then started moaning about the ‘accident’. I know he got a fright and I know he was worried about the people in the other car etc and I understand that and I’m probably a total bitch for even being upset or snapping at him but I really don’t like that he didn’t even once check on me or our baby or ask if I was fine even a simple ask would have been enough. Luckily everyone is fine no one got hurt and he controlled the car before there was a big accident but seriously? He didn’t even look at me before getting out of the car and I hadn’t spoke so he would have had no idea if we were ok. I know I’m probably a total bitch for how I handled it but ugh. I just needed to rant.