Would this upset you?

Lately my boyfriend has not even been trying to act interested in things that I say. A few times now I’ve tried telling him a story of something that happened (usually it’s funny) and when I’m finished he won’t even comment on it and he’ll change the subject.

I’ve noticed more and more when I talk he doesn’t even look at me. When he’s talking I always give him my full attention, at least try to act interested even if I’m not, and I’ll always comment on what he said.

Yesterday I was talking about my day at work (I was only like half a minute into talking) and he wasn’t looking at me, interrupted me and looked out the window and was like “whoa it’s raining” like who cares? And then he changed the subject to something else that could have waited until later.

I told him that was rude and I feel he doesn’t care what I talk about so why do I even talk. He told me I’m the one with the problem and I create drama.

And he doesn’t have an attention disorder or anything, he doesn’t do that with literally anyone else.

What do you think?