A fair custody/support agreement

JayDee • BLM! I said what I said

So, some of u know about my friends breaking up over expensive rings & identity theft. My husband suggested settling with her to keep down confusion because as of now, he pays the $1900 rent, her $490 car payment, & credit cards/utilities/food. They’ve been broken up since the last weekend in May. He’s been paying the bills because she hasn’t worked after having their 11 month daughter & he didn’t want to leave her hanging. The problem is he’s moving in w/ a friend & now will have his own bills there. He asked me, I suggested allowing child support to handle it because it would be a set amount & no surprises. He doesn’t want to use child support because he’s afraid she’d keep the girls from him until the judge would order her to allow visitation. Plus the older girl isn’t his biologically.

He thinks: paying rent up for 2 more months & then giving her $1500 plus half childcare per month & get both girls 3 weekends.

She thinks: He could cover all bills until she finds a job & then they just split everything 50/50 and see baby at her house.

How much time do you think a man should give a woman to get on her feet financially if she’s been out of work for a while & he’s been paying all bills? I want an outside opinion because I think both choices suck.

****not looking for any bashing, just fairness***