
Kristen • I`m 24 with the love of my life! 1 girl (28/10/14)💗 and 1 boy (21/05/18)💙 Baby #3 due January 2021! 💗 Or 💙 we love you!

Hello everyone!

I am looking for some advice. I really wanted to breastfeed my kids. My supply was low and nothing helped me.

With my daughter I tried lactation cookies and with my son, I was just exhausted feeling like he was attached at the breast 24 hours a day.

This time around, I really want to try and be successful with breastfeeding, but I don't know how to prepare myself. I'm only 14 weeks now, but is there anything I can do either now or closer to delivery that can help kick start production?

I feel so guilty that I have such trouble feeding my babies. 😔