Baby acting more tired

Lauren • Had my sweet girl 02/22/20 - 5 weeks early due to rare genetic disorder💗 Had my handsome man 09/30/22 - 3 weeks early due to low birth weight💙

Can teething make your baby more tired? My daughter is 4 months and doesn’t have any teeth yet but I think she’s teething. She always has red hot cheeks and she’s been more fussy.

Anyways, she had like a 4 hour nap and was fussing so I got her up. We were playing on the floor for like 10-15 mins then she started acting exhausted. I changed her and she was just letting her legs fall dead weight and her eyelids were really heavy even though she just got up. I laid her back down in her crib and now she’s just laying there sucking on her hands.

Could it be from teething?