22 month old won’t stop screaming 😫


My daughter has always been sassy but, the constant screaming is getting to me. She has such a short fuse! She loses her temper so easily. We’re trying so hard to work on her talking but, she’s just so stubborn. We’ve got about 20 words that she’ll say when she feels like it. She’ll say a word consistently for a week and then never say it again. We encourage her to use her words instead of pointing and screaming but, she just doesn’t give in, she’ll go back and forth for an hour without saying a word she knows and has said dozens of times before. It’s frustrating. She knows what we’re saying if we ask her to do something like “help clean up” or “find your sippy” or “take a seat” she completely comprehends. What do I do?

I reached out to her pediatrician for a speech evaluation but, due to COVID they aren’t taking new appointments at this time. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and the screaming is trying my patience so hard when all I want is to enjoy these last couple months with her being my one and only. 😩