Wanting to avoid medicated induction


Sssoooo!!! I am a first time mom, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 18 weeks, fasting sugars were always high until about 3 weeks ago. Started doing non stress tests twice a week and weekly ultrasound to check for amniotic fluid and breathing pattern. 3 weeks ago i started my weekly OB checks, at 36 weeks i was told i was not dialed yet, but my cervix has started to soften. Yesterday. At 37.2 weeks i was told i am 1 cm dilated dilated and they have a special protocol for special patients, like myself. (Baby was weighing about 7lbs 5oz yesterday in the 66th percentile, still very much average) my doctor would like all special patients to deliver by week 39 to prevent complications. I have my next appointment next Tuesday and if i have made little to no progress we can discuss natural ways to induce labor. My question is, is there anything that has worked for you guys to help the process along and hopefully prevent a medicated induction?