Is birth date disappointment a thing?

So, I know plenty of people experience gender disappointment when they want one gender but are having the other... but do other people feel disappointment about their due date? Don’t get me wrong I am so grateful to be pregnant and love this baby so much already, but I keep wishing I was having her next month! My first child was an August baby and I had really been hoping I would conceive another summer baby, but it ended up not happening for about 5 months (which I know isn’t bad) so now I’m due in November. I also was waiting to get my period back and had to wean my son some from breastfeeding as I was aiming for another summer baby. I feel crazy, but as the summer months fly by I’m feeling a bit sad I still have so much longer to wait. I also feel a little jealously towards another friend of mine because she is due next month and we were both trying at the same time. It also just bothers me because now my kids will be 3 grades apart in school instead of 2 even though they’ll be 27 months apart just because of school cutoffs (September).

Sorry for a bit of a rant but I just was wondering if anyone else has felt/ feels this way? I feel nuts for it, but can’t help it and figured if people anywhere would understand, it’s on Glow.