Chances of GD?

Taylor • Married💍12/17💜10/20💙

So my first pregnancy I didn’t even come close to the cut off for gestational diabetes. Yesterday I took my 1hr test and passed by one point so they want me to take my 3hr one on Monday 🤦‍♀️ I’m frustrated because this pregnancy I’m healthier. I only crave meats & veggies, I’ve lost 23lbs since finding out I was pregnant, I don’t drink soda & drink 1+ gallon of water a day. My first pregnancy I craved sweets and my blood pressure was monitored for pre-e because I was always in the higher range. This time around my blood pressure is remaining in the 110s/80s. (I know it doesn’t have anything to really do with whether or not you’ll get gestational diabetes but I’m just stressing how much healthier I am lol).

What are my chances of actually having GD? I read failing the first is actually more common than people think.