Announcing early a bad idea?


So I’m 7 weeks. Me and my bf have already told both our families, coworkers and a few very close friends. We know we can trust them and if I were to miscarry we would feel comfortable talking to them about it. I was going to wait until 12 weeks to announce the pregnancy on social media, but our 1 year anniversary will be while I turn 10 weeks and I feel like it would be cute to announce it then. Ive had 2 appointments so far and got an ultrasound at each of them, along with my blood work and all that and both baby and I are very healthy and growing perfectly. I guess my question is, is it just as possible to have a miscarriage even with everything going so well so far? I really don’t want to announce my pregnancy to everyone if I’m still very susceptible to a mc. My mom (she’s had 5 kids 1 miscarriage) says that I will be fine and since baby and I are doing so good I should go ahead and announce it at 10 weeks like I want to. What do you guys think?