Questioning about my relationship

So me and my boyfriend been together for 2yrs and 2 months and we love each other but my love for him is something I can’t even explain but lately I’ve been feeling very upset and sad thats because I see my friends in there relationships posting stuff about the things they get and how the girls gets all the gifts and how they already have there promise rings yes it’s stupid of me to feel selfish and dumb of me to think like this because I even started accusing him of cheating bcuz I’ve been having nightmares about that and having gut feeling and now he bought a dark screen protector that no one can see apparently so his parents can’t be nosy but idk anymore about that and what hurts is yes he gifts me with gifts but not on holidays and that makes me sad and angry I want to be surprised in a special way I want him to show me that he does love me...I’m always crying each night cuz I feel so sad and angry at myself cuz Idk what I want our parents won’t let us out or anything we didn’t see each other for a year cuz we were always busy and we made it worked out and a month ago we into a huge argument real bad and we fixed it but I feel hurt ig it’s cuz I hide my feelings so much but rn ig I want to be spoiled like other girls idk if that’s too much to ask or if I even ask him it’s not going to feel special at all

To whomever is reading this thank you for listening to me❤️