Industrial piercing question!


I’ve had an industrial piercing since April 2017 and have only changed the bar once(I clean it often I promise) and changing it required the help of a friend(a nurse, mind you😂) due to me being squeamish about the whole process (not sure how I handled getting the piercing if I can’t handle this🤷🏻‍♀️). I think I get this silliness from my mom because when I asked her to help change the bar she said “no no no I will pass out at the sight of the holes and what if you have to push it through skin”?!?!” (I tried to explain to her that you wont😂)

I actually tried changing the bar myself from a simple rose gold bar to one with a ball in the center for design but getting it in the second hole(upper ear) posed a challenge for a newbie! I couldn’t get it passed like the ridge of my ear and I was little too afraid to do too much pulling/maneuvering.

Any advice?!?!

Thankyou :)