cat calling how to make the guys stop

hey i’m only 14 and i have just now been able to walk around the city i live in without like my older brother with me the whole time. and the other day me and my best friend were walking around and these old men kept cat calling us. it was honestly scary and it got so bad to the point we would count and by the end of that day 7 people cat called us. it’s scary especially if it’s old men and they were saying things like “damnnnn” or “what a big ass” and like “keep running baby”. it’s scary i’m only 14 i’m still young and u can see we are minors but they keep doing it. i’m only writing this right now because yesterday a group of older guys in their late 20s said “hey baby” to me and i didn’t even look. so they followed me home (or at least tried to). i went the opposite way from my house so they couldn’t see where i lived and they kept following me. then i started running and they were like “don’t run sweetie”. then i got to a back alley way near my house and went through my neighbors house to get to mine so that they couldn’t see were i lived they were literally following me. and that’s definitely not the first time someone had done that. i just want to know what i can do to stop it because no matter what i do it always happens.