Ok so I’ve always had an unhealthy relationship with food. As a child I had to be supervised at dinner time at school because I barely used to eat. As I reached my early teens, the snacking started. I’ve always tried to eat healthily, but I’m also a serial snacker.

I’m not overweight, not even fat. I have fat, but I’m not fat. I gain weight quickly, and I lose it quickly. I am 5’5 and for the last few years I have been 132lbs some months under, a few months ago I was 121lbs, but during this pandemic, I haven’t had a lot of chance to leave the house. I don’t really exercise but I always used to be active. Last week I was 135lbs and now I’ve bounced back to 132lbs.

I am starting a keto diet at the end of the month, and increasing my exercise just to shift a few pounds and tone up. I will also only eat between the hours of 12pm, and 8pm. I will not be counting calories, and I probably will continue to snack on keto friendly foods, but I need help as I just can’t stop binge eating!!!

This is what a usual day is like for me:

Breakfast 9am: bagel with bacon, cheese and egg, one cup of tea and around 4 biscuits, maybe a packet of crisps after I’ve finished breakfast.

Lunch 12pm: pasta/noodles or a salad, can of Coke Zero, probably a packet of crisps, once finished I tend to have another cup of tea with more biscuits.

1pm-4pm: more tea, more biscuits, more crisps, maybe a sandwich, maybe a chocolate bar.

Dinner 5pm: portion of meat/fish, veg, often potatoes. Depending what I am eating I will more than likely have a side e.g samosa, garlic bread etc

8-11pm: a cup of tea with, yep, you guessed it, biscuits! Another packet of crisps, maybe even two. Some nights I will have chips, meatballs, pizza, anything I can eat quickly, I will have.

I have no willpower, I know I need to stop! I may look ‘healthy’ but this cannot be good on my insides.

When I don’t have snacks in the house it genuinely makes me upset, I need serious help! Does anybody have any pointers? Thanks