I wish I weren't me tonight..

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

I am posting anonymous and I'll reply by editing this post to remain anonymous 😊

I am feeling sick to my stomach and probably will be for awhile! 😭 my cousin (who has visitation rights) has her daughter from Washington visiting until her dad (the custodial parent) moves here next month... well yesterday my cousins boyfriend calls to see if we can help him get his stuff from his van that had been impounded (he broke down in a construction zone and didn't get it moved in the time allowed before being impounded) anyways he also tells me my cousin is currently in the hospital in the psych unit because they were drinking and she had too much and started punching and breaking picture frames off the wall and I guess things escalated to where she grabbed a knife and told him to call her an ambulance because she was going to kill herself.. anyways I offered to take my cousins daughter mainly because I needed to know she was ok and she tells me that "mommy drank too much and got sick and was being really hyper so she had to go to the hospital" which tells me she saw way too much and my cousins boyfriend tells me they basically want to pretend this never happened they don't want my aunt to know (she has custody of my cousins oldest) and they don't want to tell the dad of the daughter they have visiting.. so I took her yesterday on a sleepover and talked them into letting me keep her a second night and in the mean time I've contacted her dad and he is furious and told me I can't send her back (my cousin is supposed to get discharged tomorrow) my cousins ex is going to call her at the hospital tomorrow and let her know I'll be keeping her and I'm sure she'll have another episode and her stay will be extended and I know I did the right thing but there is part of me that feels I betrayed my cousin and I'm just sick about the whole thing and wish I wasn't in this situation


@Skyelar thank you!! 😭😭😭 maybe I just need to hear I'm not a garbage human for trying to do the right thing! Thank you! ❤

@Jenni thank you!!! 😭❤😭❤

@Jenn I am really hoping he is able to call her before she gets discharged because then she'll be able to get the help she needs 😭 and I also really didn't want her with the boyfriend there is no need for her to be there with him is her mom isn't there I'm so thankful for your kind words as I'm having a hard time with all of this! Thank you!

@Anonymous thank you so much!!! ❤❤ I was sick to my stomach all night but I knew in my heart I was right and I know I would make the same choice over and over again because I pray if tables were turned someone would do right for my children! ❤❤