Awful self esteem? 😭


Hi ladies! I’m 7w4d today. I know I’ve posted something similar to this before about just feeling really down & anxious since I got pregnant. Well lately I’ve realized just how much I hate how I look. Literally NONE of my clothes fit (except for my jammies lol) and I feel so ugly all the time. I used to love doing my makeup. But now it just makes my skin feel yucky and I feel like it does nothing for me. Also I haven’t been able to wear jeans in weeks 😩. I can’t even get them halfway up my thighs most the time let alone buttoned 😂🤦‍♀️. I currently work in fast food so I wear pretty huge work tees every day and we are supposed to wear jeans but since I have none I can get in I have been wearing yoga pants. But I just fcking ripped my fav pair down the inner thighs and my other pair are too tight it’s also uncomfortable 🤦‍♀️ I need new clothes BAD but I feel awful for spending money on myself when I should be saving for baby. What did you guys do to boost your self esteem and feel like a bad bitch again? 😅 also where can I get some cute cheap maternity clothes? Normally I try to get my staple items at hollister cause that stuff lasts FORever and is super cozy but I’m just not comfortable spending that kind of money on myself lately!