Missed pill followed by 5+ days of spotting?


I’ve been on a combo pill (Tri Lo) for years and have probably only missed 3 or 4 pills, ever. Last Wednesday was one of those days.

I missed my pill on 7/8 and didn’t realize until I went to take my pill on 7/9, so I took two pills on 7/9. The pill that I missed was in the 2nd week of the pack, the 11th pill since the beginning. I’ve been consistently spotting with mild cramps since then.

Additionally, I had sex (with a condom) on 6/30, 7/2, 7/6, and 7/10, although I’m reasonably sure that this is spotting and not implantation bleeding or something like that because it is more red as opposed to brown.

Still, I’ve never experienced this before and was wondering if anyone knows how typical 5 days of spotting is after missing a pill.

Thanks :)