
So my boyfriend and I haven’t been getting along well lately. Today I seen him and it was ok. I made him food and we had sex and watched movies together. I felt happy. When we were laying in bed, I asked him a question that I’ve been thinking about all day. It was about a friend of his that is a girl.

Anyways, he flipped out after I asked and said I’m trying to start a fight while hestrying to go to bed. And I wasn’t trying to start a fight. I just wanted to talk.

He flipped out, he left and went for a drive, he came back and told me he wants to break up with me and he hates me.

And I’m like OMG I just asked a fucking question!!!

Im laying on the couch and he’s sleeping in the bed. I’m crying. I didn’t leave and go home cause it’s late. I feel so alone. How can this man that used to love me and treat me so well, be such an asshole to me lately.

So now I guess we are breaking up. I know a lot of you ladies are going to tell me to move on or “I dodged a bullet”. But he used to be my best friend and we’ve been together for 4 yrs. I’m hurting