do I have the right to be upset at him?

so me and my bf are kinda long distance, so we have to watch movies together over the internet sometimes. he always chooses the movie and when I suggest one he says he doesn’t want to watch it, and when he chooses a movie (which is, like I mentioned, all the time) even if I don’t like the movie I pretend I do because I know he likes it and is passionate about them. I get upset that he never watches any movies that I want to watch with him and on the surface level it seems petty, but really it’s just I want him to put in the same level of effort in when it comes to what I’m interested in - even if he has to pretend to like it. It’s just the gesture.

I told him last night after the movie that I feel like I never get to choose. He said sorry and that he felt bad and that I can choose. So I decide to watch Dear John. We agree on a movie date tonight at 11 PM to watch exactly that.

I’m excited for it all day. I make popcorn at exactly 11 and wait for his call. Doesn’t arrive. he snapchats me and he has his headset on, meaning he’s playing video games (we are a young couple, he’s 19 and I’m 20, so video games isn’t surprising). At this point I’m assuming he forgot. A little hurt, I respond “it’s 11:00. ready for our movie? I made popcorn🥺” (really i sent it at like 11:10) and he responds a whole 15 min later “sorry can I just have a little bit longer?” at this point it was 11:30. and I said “we can just watch it tomorrow or something, I’m going to bed” cause I was starting to feel a little frustrated. I wanted him to watch this movie cause I wanted him to put in the effort, be attentive, and care (even if he has to pretend) like I do and he did the exact opposite tonight. I’m just going to sleep it off and talk to him tomorrow morning cause I’m kinda heated but I want to make sure I’m not overreacting cause on the surface it does seem a little petty .