Is this really something to worry about??


Idk if it’s just my anxiety but I had my nexplanon for barely over a month a week ago and I had “sex” in the shower for like a minute at the most but quickly stopped cause I was like hell no not until I have birth control again. (Took a while to get cause of everything going on) the next day on Tuesday I got ovulation tests and they were negative, and then slightly brighter on Wednesday.... so I bought plan b and took it Wednesday night 48 hrs later, and also bought digital ovulation tests so I could keep track of what was happening... and I did it Wednesday night and it showed that the levels were high but not a surge.... I got the surge to show up yesterday so like 5-6 days after the shower incident the test detected an LH surge... and now I have clear discharge...

My bf said I can’t get pregnant cause he peed before and also hadn’t cum in like a week before and didn’t even finish when we did it for a minute in the shower.. am I just freaking myself out?? I got my nexplanon replaced on Friday..