Bad hemorrhoids.

So I don't really know how to start. I'm not a great explainer lol. So with my first daughter I was only 17 with extreme high b.p I had to be induced a month early but she was no preemie I ever seen she was 8pounds 21 inches!! Lol but started in that pregnancy with hemorrhoids really itchy I didn't know what a hemorrhoid even was! Then I spent 3 days in active labor and 4 hours of straight pushing until I passed out ! Didn't help I left with worse hemorrhoids it took 2 years to get feeling normal. So me and my husband my child's father decided to give her a sister or brother. I got preg fast and had absolutely NO HEMORRHOIDS at all it was the BESTTT pregnancy lol so 2 years later we decided we needed a boy lol it took a year to get pregnant with him I got diagnosed with low thyroid and was 170 and could not loose weight so went thru stress a little lol I was huge with him and felt ok during the pregnancy until I had him! He was 9.3 and 22 inches and his head is off the growth chart lol. I came home and I'm not exaggerating I had (6 GOLF BALL sized hemorrhoids could not breath I was soooo afraid and panicking could not wash wipe nothing I didn't even half to bend over to even see them they was hanging out of me! I went straight to er crying hysterically a dr looked and then grabbed another dr to look and the decided to go ahead give me the most painful numbing shot in 2 of the hemorrhoids and slice them it was the worse I really wanted to die and I went they bad depression with suicide thoughts bcs my whole life was bed bath tub bed bathtub I couldn't take care or enjoy my babies. all I did was cry like a baby. Finally after 3 long months 3 long sit baths every single living day and laying in bed with loads of stool softener pills lol they shrunk back up to nothing! So then I missed a pill.... got pregnant again when my son was only 6 months old so now they are bothering me bad but not huge like the was. My concern and question for this post is some advice. Is this normal am I alone. Should I have a csection in order to not make them worse again bcs I'm 24 weeks and it's another big baby boy and I'm scared.