Gassy baby?

My LO is 6 weeks old this thursday. Past 3 weeks have been really hard, he eats and after will cry non stop. I was exclusively breastfeeding then thought he was still hungry all the time, so I was supplementing with formula, but that didnt really help, i thought he was still hungry so kept feeding him more, and he would puke a lot. Still does. I talked to my mom about it and she said i was overfeeding him, so i tried to stop with the formula, but he just wanted to suck milk out of me ALL DAY LONG, and I did but I just supplement with formula whenever I can tell he is really hungry. But I know its gas because he keeps kicking like crazy while I burp him, he will cry a lot when they are coming out his stomach will get tense and his back will arch. This has been happening for a while, and today I literally cried because I feel horrible for him, i have been trying everything to soothe him. Today I burped him for almost 40 min with him screaming and burps coming out, some bigger than other and some REALLY stuck. So i dont know what I should do anymore. I cry for him, My heart hurts for him, I dont want him to be in pain. What should I do at this point? Should I just call the pediatrician? I cant just keep having him on the boob for HOURS....