

I’m 6 weeks 3 days and I woke up with a puddle of bright red blood, but no cramping or discomfort at all and I passed one small nickel sized clot, otherwise just blood. Completely unlike my 4 miscarriages. Called the dr and brought me in for blood work then sent me home. No ultrasound or anything and then didn’t call me when my lab results came in and the drs office won’t tell me anything except wait for the dr to call. Is it normal to have to wait over 24 hrs before you find out if your miscarrying?

I’ve always went to the ER, this was my first time choosing to call my dr because I wasn’t cramping and now I think I chose wrong.

From what I can tell on the labs only tested my progesterone and it is extremely low, well below 6ng and my bleeding has slowed down but is still there. Has anyone else had this problem?!