Little rant because I’m feeling weepy 😅


So I’m 28 weeks and 5 days pregnant but that has nothing to do with the rant. 😂 so my husband and I work for the same company at the same place pretty much the exact same hours. There’s only 5 of us here and he is the GM. He decided to take a vacation this week since he never takes his vacations and we really need to get to work on the house. I am only hourly so I don’t get vacation time plus it’ll be hard for both of us to be out at the same time with the lack of staff.

But this week has been horrible. We have had semi deliveries and he’s the only one who can run the forklift and we’ve had millions of customer complaints because it’s our peak season at work so we are busy and people are mad they can’t keep our equipment longer than they requested. And my husbands bosses didn’t assign a relief manager here because they assumed I could handle it because I ran a store myself right when I found out I was pregnant but stepped down because it was too stressful.

And on top of that my husbands management style and mine don’t mesh so when you ask questions he isn’t super nice about it and makes me feel bad for feeling stressed out. I don’t feel like it’s fair to put me in charge and then to be rude to me when I don’t know what to do or can’t do everything myself. The other employees are generally lazy and one is new so I’m the only who knows how to do anything or will get off my butt to do something.

I just want to punch everyone and tell then to leave me alone and tell my husband to be nicer and I’m doing the best I freaking can.

I’m borderline going to say I’m not going to work tomorrow because saturdays are the worst and I only have the new guy who always makes mistakes with me.
