Is it normal to be mad about this?

Please let me know if I'm over reacting. My husband just told me that he has plans to spend the night with an old friend (ex con) and do shots and acid tonight. I already know that my husband makes stupid decisions when he drinks too much. He has a bad liver. I don't understand why he feels the need to do acid to have fun. I'm very worried about him doing that and I won't be there to make sure that he doesn't do something stupid. I've seen him do stupid stuff before while being drunk. Idk how drugs effect him. I hate drugs. My father was an addict and I hate drugs. it's the biggest problem in our marriage. I hate that he does lsd and mushrooms. He just love hallucinogens. I worry about him so much and i don't want to but he has a history of making stupid decisions. Should I just trust him over there? Should I quit talking to him about these things and accept it? Do I have a reason to be upset? I really need an outside opinion please. What would you do?