Anniversary ideas??

Hello beautiful ladies of <a href="">Eve</a>! I apologize if this is the wrong group, im not sure where to post.

I would just really appreciate some ideas for my 2 year anniversary, im not the most romantic person 😅 My bf likes to receive gifts as his love language, and I tend to like quality time more. Last year we went to the cheesecake factory, had some drinks and took a walk on the beach to watch the sunset. Obviously we cant really go out to eat or really do much right now due to Covid, so im at a loss on what to do. I was planning on taking him to a place called PopStroke because he loves golf and mini golf (even though I cant stand it), but that place is always packed. Even though they are technically open, I dont really feel comfortable going out in a crowded place right now. We live in FL where the cases are sky rocketing everyday 😔 We are both fortunate enough to work at a company that takes all the precautions to where we can stay open during covid. A lot of the staff is of the older population, so its super important to me that we dont expose ourselves and potentially our co-workers. Do y'all have any ideas on what we could possibly do?? Do you think it would be alright to rent kayaks for a day? We'd probably just paddle to the island and hang out there with a small picnic. The only kind of exposure we would encounter is actually going into the kayak rental store. Even though we wear our masks anytime we're in public, there's still always that risk. Opinions??