Roomate Is Being a pain

Nicole 💕 • Jesus is Lord !🙏🏽

Okay so Me & my husband Moved into a place with another person , first off we pay like 400 something for like the room, bath, kitchen , etc but the roomate is in like survival mode or something because he says to us , Dont use his stuff which we buy our own stuff , He also mentioned for us to fend for ourselves which is fine but i thought we were in this together , Whenever my husband cooks we offer some , i dont know what the roomate is doing with money hes already 2months behind on rent , our roomate left us like two notes saying how we shouldnt do this and that (talking about food) he wants us to Turn off the light (closet light) or pay an extra 20-30 bucks , he wants us to turn off the fans , which we bought our fans . Had an ac unit in the living room , It was somebody else who bought it and Its not even his, guess what he took it out of the living room & this house gets hot . I dont know what to do , I want to move into our own place but i have my ssi mailing address here , foodstamps gets mailed here , I was just thinking about buying An Ac unit for us my husband is drained from the heat and i dont feel so well either , i need advice ☹️🥺