Just curious

Why do people not use more reusable items? Is it because it slightly inconveniences you a little more? Or because they're a bit more expensive? Just.. I had the "epiphany" of how many dang plastic zip bags I use. There are reusable silicone ones. Those would be healthier for me, for the environment and all it takes is a little extra elbow work at the end of the either day or week depending on how often they're used. And then there's pads. I really should switch to either a diva cup or reusable pads, it's just making myself buy them is hard. I'm timid about the diva cup, its expensive and idk if itll be comfortable for me personally, and then the pads I keep stalling because I don't have enough money set aside for those yet but then I'll need pads and I end up buying a pack of pads. If i could just buy them I'd be saving so much more money in the long run. Money being tight is ridiculous. And there are money savers, but they cost a bit more because they're a one time purchase typically. I'd like to get good glass pyrex too. So sick of plastic food containers that stain so easily. Idk. Itd all be so much better for us to use more reusable items. So why dont we more? Why isnt it more encouraged?