I cried after sex


Me and my bf hadn’t seen each other in 3 weeks. During that 3 weeks we got in 2 big fights. (We had never really fought before always just little arguments that we got over quickly) I think the 2nd fight came because we hadn’t fully sorted through the first one. Well anyways we had had a really rough time the past few weeks and finally got to see each other last night. We had a party with some friends and we had so much sexual tension build up that we couldn’t help ourselves and had sex in the storage room. Some of the best sex I’ve ever had. Anyways so he came over today and we had sex again. It was so sweet. We had music playing in the back and we took it really slow. Lights turned off and a candle burning. Completely naked skin on skin. Made me realize how much I love this boy. Just thinking how much I don’t ever want to let go of him. When we were finished I started crying. I tried to hold it back but sometimes you can’t help it. It wasn’t like a sobbing cry or anything but just a tears rolling down your face. He asked what was wrong while he brushed my hair back and cuddled me. After I told him I had missed him so bad and never wanted him to go anywhere he told me how much he loved me and how he would take care of me while he held me there. Both of us still naked. It was one of the most romantic things I’ve ever lived through.