Endometriosis and TTC #2


I know this is about TTC but I thought I might get more responses here. I have endometriosis and low progesterone. After two miscarriages we finally conceived our daughter with the help of progesterone supplementation. I was 28 when we conceived and 29 when she was born. Now we are trying for #2, but I think my endometriosis may have gotten worse over the last couple of years. I will be 32 this year. Anyone here have endometriosis that wouldn’t mind giving me some insight into trying for a second baby? We didn’t have a problem getting pregnant before, just staying pregnant. This time I seem to have more pelvic pain and cramps than last time, and ovulation seems to vary more from cycle to cycle. Only on cycle 3 of trying, but I’m wanting to try and get out in front of it if I’m gonna need more help this time around. Thanks ladies!