September is coming!!!


Hey all. I’m brand new here. And I think I need to talk some strangers about some thoughts and questions I have.

A little background. My fiancé and I have been together for a year and a half and are planning to be married next year.

When we met I didn’t want children. I wanted to be a free woman and just have fun and work and love being me. But we had a conversation around Christmas time he broke down and told me that he desperately wants to have a baby. But he knew my position on it and wasn’t going to leave me just because I didn’t. It wasn’t an ultimatum, more of a expression of wants. We’re a very open and honest couple. We have no secrets so we won’t have any future resentments.

Anywho. I decided shortly after and we made a deal that by august if we got our lives together and were stable we could try. So end of august I am going to have my implant removed and we are going to try for a baby. Weird thing is though, I am truly excited. Once I decided to have a baby, I was all into the idea. I’ve had massive baby fever and we’ve even picked names already.

But I have a few questions.

Are you ever really “ready” to have a baby? Especially

right now, I have hesitations about bringing a child into the world with Covid and our current political state.

Are you allowed to smoke weed while pregnant? I’ve heard mixed statements about this and while I’m not a heavy smoker, it’s something I’ve been curious about.

Has anyone gone through having to switch antidepressants for or during pregnancy? I’m currently taking Lexapro and my doctor advised me to switch to Zoloft because it’s the least dangerous.

I’m sure I’ll think of more but for now I think I’ve rattled enough.

Thanks anyone who read this far!