Twins here at 34 weeks.


I have been in and out of the hospital for preterm labor since 29 weeks. Got steroid shots to help develop lungs right away. I also noticed my BP was goingul up but still within range so they weren't worried. At 32 weeks started getting blurry vision and seeing spots on and off. At 33 weeks started having this feeling something wasn't right. I had an appointment that week and was talking to my doctor about it. Went in for a BPP the next day and he immediately sent me to the hospital cause Baby B only scored a 2/8. The hospital my offer delivers at won't deliver before 34 weeks so I had to go to a different one. Went to the hospital and baby rolled a few times and they sent me home. I still had a feeling that something wasn't right and I knew I was going to be 34 weeks in 2 days. Saturday comes, the day I'm officially 34 weeks, my doctor called to check in on me not even on call he just wanted to see how everything was going. I told him I still don't feel movements and I feel something is not right. He told me to go to the hospital and he will let them know I was on my way. Get to the hospital check my blood pressure and it was the highest it has ever been. Checked it again it was even higher and did a urine test and blood work. Checked BP again and even higher! Nurse looks at me and was like your not going anywhere. Came back I had preeclampsia and with the severe symptoms the doctors decided it was best to deliver. I had them via c section 2 hours later. I'm obsessed with them already. Hayden Justine is sleeping and Annabelle Kate is awake. Both babies are doing great with feedings and breathing on there own.