How do you super moms/dads even cope with 2 under 2


So.. we are expecting our new little bundle of joy in January! We feel so blessed and excited... however, it’s just dawned on me I will have to manage 2 children under 2!

My husband travelled a fair bit for work before covid and I’m worried it could soon return and I’ll be having to manage them on my own.

I have so many stupid questions running round my head!!!! 🙈

What do I do with one of them if the other needs to go down for a nap?

What if I need to change a nappy while another one is upset/needs attending to?? It’s hard enough changing a nappy of a toddler who has 100 other things on his agenda without a baby there too!

How do I cope with a toddler if a newborn has me up 100000000 times in the night!?

How early can you encourage toddlers to do things like dress themselves? 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

Ok so these things kind of seem silly now I’ve wrote them down but it just seems so overwhelming!

Please comment your experiences of 2 under 2 to reassure a panicking mother! 😘😄