What the heck does THAT mean?


I have PCOS and I can tell that something is off 😑

So I had my hormone levels checked by my PCP.

Everything but my testosterone is normal. they said that my testosterone is down to 15, when at my age it should be up to 200.

SOOO, he wants to put me on testosterone injections.

Yikes so that scares the crap out of me. I don’t want to grow a beard.

I don’t know, I am hoping that someone here has more knowledge about this stuff I am having such bad anxiety. I actually called my gynecologist and I want to speak to him about this, and ask what can cause this and if what he thinks about my PCP putting me on testosterone.

So let me spill the teaaaaa.

My gynecologist called me back personally and I told him the results of my blood test and he was like “no. No no no no no! You have PCOS and I’m treating you for it, it’s not surprising to me that you have low T. I promise if I checked you next week your testosterone would be up again, you’re a woman it’s supposed to be low and fluctuate. I have had way too many patients be put on testosterone by someone else and they started growing facial hair and had clitoral enlargement to the point it looked like a micro penis and my honest opinion is that you need to stay as far away from that as possible, I will keep an eye on it for you. Don’t take the testosterone shots.”

And I was like OPE

What on earth