There’s never enough food for me 😰

Hi I’m just writing this because I’m sad and hungry and don’t know what to do. I am 1 of 7 children in my house. I am the only girl. When my mom makes a meal, all of my brothers get their food first and there’s never enough left for me. Last night we had cheeseburgers with baked potatoes and a salad and they all got to eat that but there was only salad left for me and not very much. I’m always hungry and when I tell my mom there’s not enough food for me she just laughs and says “well they are hungry boys. There is nothing we can do about that.” And today for breakfast she made them eggs and toast and of course there wasn’t any for me so she told me to eat some cereal. I went to pick a cereal and the boxes were pretty much empty. I would have to combine the different kinds to even have one bowls worth. Because they never even throw empty boxes away. This is what my life is like all the time and I’m underweight and when my doctor says I’m too light my mom says I just don’t like to eat when she knows that isn’t true 😭 I feel like a bad person for complaining about being hungry but I always am.